Our mission is to empower parents.


You are the expert on all things “your child” and your insight is invaluable.

We want your child to be as successful and independent as possible, and your involvement is essential.

Parent + Clinician Teamwork = Child Success


Lumi is a small business created by Jessica Taylor Díaz.

Jessica spent over a decade immersed in the field of behavior change.
Her roles have included:

+ Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
+ Classroom Behavioral Therapist
+ ABA Therapist
+ Research Assistant and Author
+ Lifestyle Health Coach

She received her Bachelors of Science in Education from The Ohio State University, and her Masters of Education and BCBA Certification through Cleveland State University. Previous work experiences have included The Cleveland Clinic Lerner School for Autism, ABA Outreach Services, and the Center for Autism and Related Disorders.

Jessica is passionate about helping others see the capability and strength within themselves. A key component of Lumi is that your personalized programming aligns with what you value most, whether it be autonomy for your child, having more joyful moments together as a family, or becoming a more present and patient parent.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an approach that centers around psychological flexibility, incorporating values into behavior change. ACT is a wonderful complement to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and it is interwoven throughout our programming at Lumi.


  • District BCBA, Jefferson Elementary School District

  • Clinical Lead/BCBA, Songbird Care

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Steps Therapy

  • Classroom Behavioral Therapist III, The Cleveland Clinic Lerner School for Autism

  • ABA Therapist, ABA Outreach Services

  • Senior Reporting Analyst, HealthFitness Corporation

  • Lifestyle Health Coach, Nationwide Better Health

Research supporting parent-led ABA

  • Bearss, Karen & Burrell, Teresa & Challa, Saankari & Postorino, Valentina & Gillespie, Scott & Crooks, Courtney & Scahill, Lawrence. (2018). Feasibility of Parent Training via Telehealth for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Disruptive Behavior: A Demonstration Pilot. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48. 10.1007/s10803-017-3363-2

  • Brookman-Frazee, Lauren & Koegel, Robert. (2004). Using Parent/Clinician Partnerships in Parent Education Programs for Children with Autism. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions - J POSIT BEHAV INTERV. 6. 195-213

  • Meadan H, Ostrosky MM, Zaghlawan HY, Yu SY. Promoting the social and communicative behavior of young children with autism spectrum disorders: a review of parent-implemented intervention studies. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 2009; 29(2): 90-104

  • Seiverling, Laura & Williams, Keith & Sturmey, Peter & Hart, Sadie. (2012). Effects of behavioral skills training on parental treatment of childrens food selectivity. Journal of applied behavior analysis. 45. 197-203. 10.1901/jaba.2012.45-197

  • Sheinkopf, Stephen & Siegel, Bryna. (1998). Home based behavioral treatment of young autistic children. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 28. 15-23

  • Sofronoff, K., & Farbotko, M. (2002). The effectiveness of parent management training to increase self-efficacy in parents of children with Asperger syndrome. Autism, 6(3), 271–286

  • Suberman, Rachel & Cividini-Motta, Catia. (2019). Teaching caregivers to implement mand training using speech generating devices. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 10.1002/jaba.630

  • Symon, J.. (2005). Expanding Interventions for Children With Autism: Parents as Trainers. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions - J POSIT BEHAV INTERV. 7. 159-173

  • Unlu, Emre. (2019). Parent Implemented Program for Teaching Toileting Skills for Children with Developmental Disabilities. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. 11. 92-104
